November 2014
Nuclear Reactors 176 - The NRC and PG&E Secretly Changed the Diablo Canyon License Agreement
I have been blogging recently about misbehavior at the NRC and among U.S. nuclear power reactor operators and owners. I have also blogged about problems at the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California concerning geological fault lines. Since the time that the plant was built, new fault lines have been discovered. Now this issue has wound up in Federal court.
Geiger Readings for November 6, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 179 - The U.S. Department of Energy Is Funding Research on Advanced Nuclear Technology
I have blogged about United State federal support for research in the nuclear industry before. Recently, the U.S. Department of Energy selected five research and development projects to receive thirteen million in cost sharing funds as part of public-private partnerships.
Geiger Readings for November 5, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 95 - More Firings and Disciplinary Action in the U.S. Nuclear Missile Forces
I have posted about problems in the United States nuclear missile forces in the past. In the last few years, the commander of U.S.
Geiger Readings for November 4, 2014
Nulcear Reactors 178 - The NRC Improperly Withheld Documents From the U.S. Public
I have often mentioned my lack of faith in the competence and integrity of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I have blogged before about their failure to adequately monitor and regulate the nuclear power industry in the U.S. Today I am going to talk about another problem with the NRC.
Geiger Readings for November 3, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 2, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 1, 2014
Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility Fight Malaysian Nuclear Power Plans
I have blogged before about the thrust of nations which export nuclear technology to sell nuclear reactors to developing nations. I recently read about that the United States has offered to help Malaysia build a nuclear power plant. In 2009, the Malaysian government presented its plan for nuclear power claiming that nuclear power was inexpensive, clean and safe.