Nuclear News Roundup Apr 17, 2020
US economists study COVID-19 impact on energy
US economists study COVID-19 impact on energy
Ambient office = 86 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 157 nanosieverts per hour
Part 1 of 2 Parts
Many sophisticated laboratory tests have been developed for determining the composition of a material of interest. However, there are times when it is just not possible to bring a sample into the laboratory for testing. One example would be testing contents of shipping containers on the dock. Another would be analyzing a rock on the surface of Mars.
Ambient office = 69 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 158 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient office = 61 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 165 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient office = 53 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 158 nanosieverts per hour
An international team of nuclear experts has just identified a new previously undisclosed Iranian nuclear weapons site. They are calling on Tehran to admit the existence of the newly identified site to international inspectors.