Nuclear Weapons 352 - Researchers At Washington University Are Developing Improved Radiation Detectors For Checking Shipments

      One of the big fears of the national security establishment in the U.S. is the threat of the detonation of a nuclear device in a U.S. city by a terrorist group. Radioactive materials are tightly controlled in the U.S. by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. If terrorists are unable to obtain nuclear materials within the U.S., then they might attempt to smuggle them into the U.S. in a cargo container.

Nuclear Weapons 351 - Missing Iridium-192 Is Being Sought In Malaysia



       A Radioactive Dispersal Device (RDD) is consists of a conventional explosive that is surrounded by a shell of radioactive material. If such a device is detonated in a dense urban area, the explosion itself will have little effect but the radioactive materials will be dispersed over a wide area and threaten the health of millions of people.

Russian Researchers Develop Program To Aid Design Of Beta Batteries

       Beta batteries (also known as betavoltaic cells) use energy from a radioactive source that emits electrons (also known as beta particles). The radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium is often used as the beta source. Most nuclear power sources use radioactivity to generate heat which is then used to generate electricity.
