Radioactive Waste 341 - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory At Hanford Produces Radioactive Glass In Continuous Process

The U.S. manufactured nuclear weapons at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south central Washington State. Approximately fifty-six million gallons of liquid waste left over from the production of nuclear warheads is currently stored in one hundred and seventy seven buried tanks. The liquid in the tanks is a witches’ brew of toxic chemicals and radioactive waste.

Nuclear Reactors 565 - Nuclear Power Is Not A Viable Choice For Most African Nations



       I have written about nuclear power plant plants plans in specific African countries. Often there are critics of such plans because many countries just don’t have the demand and the infrastructure that would make nuclear power a reasonable investment.

Radioactive Waste 340 - Deep Isolation Proposes Drilling Deep Shafts To Hold Spent Nuclear Fuel

       Of all the schemes proposed for the disposal of radioactive wastes such as the spent fuel from nuclear power reactors, I think the best suggestion so far is to drill a deep hole, insert the waste and fill in the hole. A new company is exploring this idea.
