Nuclear Reactors 298 - X-energy And Centrus Join Forces To Manufacture Fuel For Pebble Bed Reactors.
X-energy is a company that develops advanced nuclear reactor fuels. Centrus is a company that specializes in nuclear fuel technology. These two companies have announced that they are cooperating in the construction of a nuclear fuel fabrication facility. This facility will create fuel for X-energy reactors and other advanced nuclear power reactors.
Geiger Readings for Sep 07, 2017
Nuclear Weapons 305 - South Korea Working On Big Conventional Warheads To Hit North Korean Underground Military Bunkers
The news has been full of North Korea lately because of their missiles and hydrogen bomb tests. South Korea is trying to decide how best to counter N.K. if it comes to a fight. Some South Koreans have suggested that they should develop their own nuclear arsenal. Other South Koreans want the U.S. to bring tactical nuclear weapons back to S.K. For the moment, S.K.
Geiger Readings for Sep 06, 2017
Nuclear Weapons 304 - U.S. Tries To Persuade Swedent Not To Sign Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
One hundred and twenty two nations came together at the UN last fall to forge a treaty that would ban all nuclear weapons worldwide. The treaty was officially announced on July 6th of 2017. Now it has to be ratified by at least fifty nations before it enters into legal force. None of the nine countries which currently have nuclear weapons attended the conference that drew up the treaty.