Nuclear Reactors 284 - U.S. House of Representative Passes Tax Credit Bill For New Nuclear Reactor Construction

       The U.S. nuclear industry is facing stiff competition from cheap natural gas generated by the fracking boom. Several nuclear power plants have already been shut down prematurely because they could not compete. Half a dozen more plants may have to be shut down prematurely in the next five years for the same reason.

Nuclear Weapons 285 - Los Alamos National Laboratory Problems May Halt Work On Plutonium Cores For Nuclear Weapons

       The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DMFSB) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government. The Board was created in 1988 to oversee the nuclear weapons complex administered by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Nuclear Reactors 293 - Nuclear Power Facing Serious Problems In the United States

       Nuclear power in the United States is in trouble. The U.S. currently has ninety nine operational nuclear power plants that supply about twenty percent of the electricity in the U.S. Many of the plants are approaching or have passed their original licensed life-span of forty years. Five plants have closed in the last four years. Six more plants are scheduled to close in the next five years.
