Geiger Readings for May 20, 2017
Radioactive Waste 231 - Cave In At Excavation At The Idaho National Laboratory
I have been blogging lately about the railroad tunnel cave in at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The ceiling of an old railroad tunnel containing highly radioactive railway cars and contaminated waste spontaneously collapsed. The U.S. Department of Energy had been warned for decades that the intense radiation was weakening the structure of the tunnel and that a cave in was inevitable.
Geiger Readings for May 19, 2017
Radioactive Waste 230 - Holtec International Building Dry Cask Storage Facility For Ukaine
One of the biggest problems with nuclear power is how to dispose of the spent nuclear fuel produced by nuclear power reactors. One solution is to reprocess the fuel to recover uranium and plutonium which can be used to make more nuclear fuel but can also be used to make nuclear weapons. Nuclear fuel reprocessing is complex and dangerous.
Geiger Readings for May 18, 2017
Nuclear Reactors 281 - Financial Problems At Toshiba And Westinghouse Cast Doubt On U.K Moorside Nuclear Power Plant Plant
The Moorside Nuclear Power Station is a proposed power station to be build near Sellafield on the northwest coast of the Cumbrian state of the United Kingdom. Three AP1000 nuclear power reactors are planned to be built by NuGeneration (NuGen), the British subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Company which is, in turn, a subsidiary of Toshiba, the Japanese company.