Radioactive Waste 229 - Multiple Warnings About Vulnerability of The Tunnel That Collapsed at Hanford
For the past few days, I have been blogging about the tunnel collapse that happened Tuesday at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south central Washington State near the Plutonium Uranium Extraction Plant (PUREX). As the days pass, more information is being released so I am continuing to blog about the accident.
Geiger Readings for May 12, 2017
Radioactive Waste 228 - Details of Hanford Tunnel Collapse Do Not Add Up
For the past two days I have been posting about the problems at Hanford with respect to the collapse of the soil above a railroad tunnel filled with radioactive railway cars and contaminated equipment. There have been a flurry of stories since the cave-in two days ago and I thought that I would add some additional information to my coverage of the story.
Geiger Readings for May 11, 2017
Radioactive Waste 227 - Tunnel Collapse Emergency At Hanford Was Not Unexpected
Yesterday, I talked about the declaration of a state of emergency at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation by the U.S. Department of Energy because the ground above a railroad tunnel had subsided. The tunnel contained radioactive railroad cars that had been used to carry spent nuclear fuel from Hanford reactors to the Plutonium Uranium Extraction Facility (PUREX).