Nuclear Reactors 272 - Westinghouse Bankruptcy Calls Completion Of New Reactors At Summer Nuclear Generating Station Into Question

      Financial problems at Toshiba and its nuclear subsidiary, Westinghouse continue to roil the nuclear industry. Westinghouse has just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Toshiba and Westinghouse say that only U.S. operations of Westinghouse will be affected by the bankruptcy filing.

Nuclear Reactors 271 - MIT Working On New Small Molten Salt Reactor

              The MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory has an idea about how to jump-start the development of a new generation of nuclear reactors. They want to "piggyback" a new research reactor on their existing infrastructure. The normal process for the creation of a new reactor design requires that a license be obtained from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and that a standalone experimental prototype be built. This may require as much as a decade and costs hundreds of millions of dollars.
