Geiger Readings for Mar 23, 2017
Nuclear Reactors 270 - New Gamma-Ray Scanner Has Been Developed To Detect Radioactive Contamination In Japan
In March of 2011, there was a massive earthquake off the northeast coast of Japan. The quake caused a tsunami that flooded the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on the coast of the Fukushima Prefecture. Three reactors melted down and there was a huge explosion in Unit 3 that destroyed Unit 4. Radioactive materials were ejected into the atmosphere and fallout rained down all over Japan.
Geiger Readings for Mar 22, 2017
Nuclear Fusion 30 - New Plasma Control System Under Development At Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
One of the big problems with developing commercial nuclear fusions reactors is the control of the plasma. Turbulence develops in the plasma and causes the plasma to move outside of the intended zone of confinement. It can touch the side of the chamber and destroy the symmetrical confinement needed to create fusion.
Geiger Readings for Mar 21, 2017
Nuclear Reactors 269 - Strange Corrosion Found At Indian Kakrapar Atomic Power Station
There are two Indian two hundred and twenty watt Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) at the Kakrapar Atomic Power Station near the city of Vyara in Gujarat State in India.