Geiger Readings for Feb 25, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 262 - Transatomic Power Corporation Has To Withdraw Exaggerated Claims About Its Liquid Salt Reactor Design
Transatomic Power Corporation is one of the new companies that is pushing a different approach to nuclear power reactors than the conventional light water reactors (LWR). The company was founded in 2011 by two MIT students from the MIT Nuclear Science & Engineering department.
Geiger Readings for Feb 24, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 261 - Lithuania Trying To Shut Down Construction Of Nuclear Power Reactor in Belarus
Accidents at nuclear power plants can release massive amounts of radioactive materials that are unimpeded by national borders as they spread with the wind. This means that nations have a responsibility that extends beyond their borders to neighboring nations to manage nuclear power plants responsibly.
Geiger Readings for Feb 23, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 252 - Authorities Worried About Terrorists Smuggling Nuclear Bombs Inside Bales Of Marijuana
I have mentioned the threat of terrorists smuggling small nuclear bombs into the United States in previous posts. As a matter of fact, my 2012 novel, Rare Earths, featured just such activity as part of the plot. A decade ago, a software company that I worked for bid on a project to improve inspection and tracking of containers coming into U.S. ports.