Nuclear Reactors 259 - New System For Automatically Finding Cracks In Nuclear Reactor Components

       As nuclear power plants age, they are subjected to "cracking, fatigue, embrittlement of metal components, wear, erosion, corrosion and oxidation." Embrittlement is a is the formation of cracks in the steel components over time as they are bombarded by neutrons. This creates tiny holes inside the crystal matrix of the steel. These tiny holes combine to form bigger and bigger holes that eventually become visible cracks. It is a major problem at nuclear power plants.

Radioactive Waste 218 - Research In Robotic Systems For Cleaning Up The Sellafield Site In The United Kingdom

       Sellafield is a nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear decommissioning site, is northwest of London on the Irish Sea. A great deal of the development and manufacture of U.K. nuclear weapons took place there from the 1950s on. Hundreds of tons of radioactive waste were stored in huge cooling pools and ignored as the facilities deteriorated.

Radioactive Waste 217 - U.S. District Court OKs Transportation Of Toxic Liquid Radioactive Waste From Canada To U.S. For Reprocessingc

       Last August, I wrote a post about plans by the U.S. Department of Energy to ship nuclear waste by truck twelve hundred miles from Canada's Chalk River Laboratory near Ottawa to Savannah River in Georgia. The U.S.
