Nuclear Weapons 248 - New Russian Underwater Stealth Nuclear Drone May Not Be So New After All
Back in 2015, I blogged about a supposed new Russian underwater drone with a nuclear warhead called "Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6". The plans for the drone were glimpsed in a Russian government video, suggesting that it was a deliberate "leak." The basic idea was that the drone was fast and fitted with stealth technology that would make it impossible to detect.
Geiger Readings for Jan 26, 2016
Radioactive Waste 213 - Holtec Speeds Up Decommissioning
Dealing with spent nuclear fuel is a serious problem from nuclear power plant operators across the world. Spent nuclear fuel is filling up the cooling pools at nuclear power station around the U.S. When a reactor reaches the end of its life and needs to be decommissioned, disposing of the spent fuel is a major task. The U.S.
Geiger Readings for Jan 25, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 451 - EDF Wants To Extend The Life Of Two Aging Scottish Power Reactors
Nuclear power reactors are designed for specific lifetimes, generally from thirty to forty years. Because of the huge investment required to build a reactor, when a reactor reaches the end of its designed lifespan, there is often pressure to relicense it for continued operation beyond the end of that lifespan.