Nuclear Reactors 408 - Turbulent Market For Uranium Production
Most nuclear fission power plants use enriched uranium for fuel. Natural uranium is common but it only has about seven tenths of a percent of U-235 which is the isotope needed for nuclear power reactors. There are a few reactors that burn a combination of uranium and plutonium. There are reactors that can burn nuclear waste as a fuel.
Geiger Readings for Sept 16, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 227 - Three Reasons Obama Gives That The U.S. Will Not Accept North Korea As A Nuclear State
North Korea has been in the news a lot because they are testing nuclear weapons and threatening other countries with nuclear annihilation. Following N.K.'s fifth recent nuclear test, the U.S. President gave three reasons that the U.S. will never accept N.K. becoming a nuclear armed nation. (This seems a bit late because N.K.
Geiger Readings for Sept 15, 2016
Critical Isotopes Used In Medical Imaging May Soon Be In Danger Of Short Supply
Radioactive isotopes of many elements are used in research, industry and medicine. I have blogged about medical isotopes in the past. Production of such isotopes is often restricted to just a few facilities. This leads to concerns about supply when there are problems at a production facility or when demand rises above current production. The U.S.