Radioactive Waste 211 - Oxidatively Modified Carbon May Be Effective And Economical To Decontaminate Water At Fukushima

       The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred in March of 2011 in Japan, almost 6 years ago. Since then billions of gallons of contaminated water have flowed into the Pacific Ocean from the destroyed power plant.

Radioactive Waste 211 - Florida Power & Light Plans To Inject Radioactive Water Into Floridian Aquifer

       I have blogged before about problems with thermal pollution from the Florida Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station which is owned by Florida Power & Light (FPL) and is located at the southern tip of Florida on Biscayne Bay. FPL is planning on the construction of two additional reactors at Turkey Point to be completed by 2030.

Radioactive Waste 210 - Lake Karachay In Russia Is The Most Radioactively Contaminated Place On Earth

       I have often blogged about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State. It is one of the most radioactively contaminated places on Earth as a result of the casual disposal of waste from the manufacture of nuclear weapons for the U.S. military. The old Soviet Union was even more careless with disposing of waste from its nuclear weapons manufacture that the U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 450 - British Parliament Demands Answers About Financing Of Hinkley Point C Project

       I have often blogged about the huge Hinkley Point C (HPC) project to build a couple of nuclear power reactors in Britain. The reason I keep revisiting this project is that so many different problems with nuclear power are wrapped up in it. Financing, international involvement, substandard parts, national security, cost overruns, and other issues can be found in discussions of the project.
