Radioactive Waste 207 - Contamination Spreading In Old REDOX Facility at Hanford

       Hanford keeps turning up in my blogs because it is one of the most radioactively contaminated sites on Earth thanks to the Department of Defense use of the site for the development of nuclear weapons. At one point, they poured millions of gallons of radioactive liquids directly into ditches that were not even lined with plastic. There are underground tanks that are filled with a witches brew of toxic chemicals and radioactive substances that are leaking into the soil. The U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 445 - Toshiba American Energy Systems Consolidates Toshiba U.S. Turbine Business

       Yesterday, I blogged about serious financial problems at Toshiba because of difficulties at Westinghouse, its U.S. nuclear technology subsidiary. Westinghouse is busy working on construction projects for eight nuclear power reactors in the U.S. It is not yet known whether or not the problems at Toshiba will impact the U.S. reactors projects of Westinghouse.

Nuclear Reactors 444 - Toshiba In Very Serious Trouble Because Of Its Westinghouse Subsidiary

       The Prime Minister of Japan bet heavily on nuclear power for domestic power production and for major export sales to foreign nations. Major Japanese nuclear technology corporations also bet on nuclear power for expansion and profit. Now one of those corporations finds itself in serious financial difficulty related to its nuclear power business.
