Geiger Readings for Jan 01, 2017
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 81 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 72 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 63 nanosieverts per hour
Geiger Readings for Dec 31, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 93 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 86 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 87 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Weapons 245 - New U.S. Legislation May Spark An Arms Race In Space
One big worry about space exploration is that hostile nations will deploy devastating weapons in space. The major international space treaty currently prohibits placing any weapons in orbit or on bodies is space such as asteroids, moons, etc. Recently the U.S.
Geiger Readings for Dec 30, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 78 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 143 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 133 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactors 443 - MIT Researchers Develop New Technique For Measuring Metal Damage In Reactors
One of the biggest problems with nuclear reactors is finding materials that can withstand the hostile environment of high temperatures, high pressures, and neutron bombardment. As neutrons penetrate the metal alloys that house the reactor core, they create dislocations in the crystalline lattice of the metal. These dislocations can migrate and collect, forming cavities that can combine into cracks.
Geiger Readings for Dec 29, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 65 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 103 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 108 nanosieverts per hour