Geiger Readings for Dec 24, 2016
Nuclear Reactor 441 - Federal Energy Regulatory Agency Considers Regulation Changes For Nuclear Power
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was formed in 1977. The top priorities of FERC include:
· Promotes reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy for consumers;
Geiger Readings for Dec 23, 2016
Radioactive Waste 204 - Breakthrough In Modeling Electronic States Of Uranium Nitrides
I have often posted articles about problems with the disposal of nuclear waste. This is one of the greatest issues with the use of nuclear power. The waste from nuclear power plants has radioactive isotopes that are dangerous for thousands of years. Many schemes to bury the waste and/or process it to make it less dangerous have been proposed.
Geiger Readings for Dec 22, 2016
Nuclear Fusion 29 - Researchers In Russian Explore New Materials For Nuclear Fusion Reactors
The conditions of high heat, high pressure and neutron bombardment inside nuclear reactors are very damaging to the materials used in the fuel and components. I have posted a number of articles about the development of new materials for use in the construction and fueling of nuclear reactors. These have all been about the materials used in fission reactors.