Nuclear Reactors 437 - Investigation Of Quality Control Problems at Areva's Le Creusot Foundry Continue To Expand

       I have mentioned in numerous posts my concern about quality control in the manufacture of components for nuclear power reactors. Half of the reactor components manufactured in Japan for export are not inspected. Components bound for South Korea were found to have serial numbers stolen from existing components so they could avoid inspection.

Radioactive Waste 201 - Columbia Generating Station Radioactive Waste Disposal Permit Suspended At Hanford

       The Columbia Generating Station (CGS) is located on the Hanford Nuclear Reservation (HNR) in south central Washington State. The CGS started producing electricity for the Washington grid in December of 1984. It generates one billion one hundred and ninety million watt of electricity which represents about ten percent of the electricity generated in the state. It is the only commercial nuclear power station in the state of Washington.
