Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 109 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 40 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 43 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactors 387 - New York Public Service Commission Proposes Subsidies To Keep Nuclear Power Plants Operating
The cost of nuclear power keeps rising and the cost of fossil fuels remains low. The cost of new solar installation and new wind installations is now becoming cheaper than new nuclear builds. These trends have dampened public, political and economic interests in investing in new nuclear power plants. The construction and operation of nuclear power plants involves billions of dollars.
Geiger Readings for July 12, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 135 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 90 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 100 nanosieverts per hour
Radioactive Waste 181 - Fluor Idaho Takes Over Cleanup Operations At Idaho National Laboratory
I have blogged in the past about the conflict between the federal government and the State of Idaho over cleanup of radioactive waste at the Idaho National Laboratory. The INL was established in 1949 as federal government nuclear research and development site. It covers about nine hundred square miles and employs about four thousand people.
Geiger Readings for July 11, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 105 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 76 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 85 nanosieverts per hour
Geiger Readings for July 10, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 108 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 87 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 73 nanosieverts per hour