Geiger Readings for Oct 14, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 233 - Risks Of Pakistani Nuclear Arsenal
There is a great deal of international concern about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. There are a lot of factions vying for power in Pakistan split along ethnic, religious and ideological lines. The government of Pakistan has maintained tight control over nuclear weapons but insurgents still managed to attack one of the military bases where the weapons are stored.
Geiger Readings for Oct 13, 2016
Nuclear Weapons 232 - DARPA Considering Blockchaining To Help Protect Nuclear Arsenal Computers
Bitcoin is a virtual currency that has been in the news lately.
Geiger Readings for Oct 12, 2016
Nuclear Reactros 414 - China Working On Small Floating Nuclear Reactors To Deploy To Spratly Islands
Today's blog combines technical information about a new generation of small Chinese nuclear reactors with geopolitical issues in the South China Sea. When dealing with multiple topics in a single article, there are always issues with respect to how to present the different aspect and in what order. For today, I am going to talk about the technical issues before the geopolitical issues.
Nuclear Reactors 413 - Serious Problems with Cyber Security At Nuclear Power Plants
There have been a lot of stories lately in the press about the danger of cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure. Chatham House, an international think-tank, issued a report over a year ago that gave details on fifty different incidents of hacking at nuclear power plants in different countries.