Nuclear Weapons 230 - Russia Cancels Agreement To Convert Plutonium From U.S. And Russian Nuclear Weapons To MOX Nuclear Fuel

       I have blogged before about the deteriorating relationship between the U.S. and Russia. Russia has been doing a lot of nuclear saber rattling in the past few years and the U.S. has responded with a little saber rattling of its own. The Russian seizure of Crimea and agitation in Eastern Ukraine has increased tensions between NATO and Russia in Eastern Europe.

Radioactive Waste 194 - Controversy Over Plans For Temporary Storage Of Nuclear Fuel From San Onofre

       The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station near San Diego on the California coast was permanently shut down in 2013. Recently installed turbines from a Japanese manufacturer caused vibrations that damaged the steam pipes in the plant after only two years of operation. South California Edison decided to shut down the plant after the damage was discovered.
