Nuclear Weapons 229 - Tensions Rising Between Nuclear-Armed India and Pakistan

       There have been tensions between India and Pakistan since both countries came into existence in 1949. They have gone to war three times. When India developed nuclear weapons, Pakistan quickly developed them as well. They have been engaged in simmering conflict in Kashmir for decades. A few years ago, a team from Pakistan staged a terrorist attack in Mumbai.

Radioactive Waste 193 - New Interim Spent Nuclear Fuel Facility Being Planned For South Carolina

       South Carolina has a history of being willing to take in radioactive waste from other states. The Savannah River Site stores high-level radioactive waste from other states and other countries. There have recently been protests over a plan to move waste from the Chalk River Labs in Canada down to the Savannah River Site. There is a dump in Barnwell Country, S.C.

Radioactive Waste 192 - Problems With Test Drilling For Deep Borehole Disposal Of Nuclear Waste

       Spent nuclear fuel waste is a big problem with nuclear power. In the U.S., a permanent geological repository was supposed to be ready by 1999 but the Yucca Mountain Repository project was cancelled by 2009 and the best estimate for a repository at a new location is now 2050.
