Critical Isotopes Used In Medical Imaging May Soon Be In Danger Of Short Supply

       Radioactive isotopes of many elements are used in research, industry and medicine. I have blogged about medical isotopes in the past. Production of such isotopes is often restricted to just a few facilities. This leads to concerns about supply when there are problems at a production facility or when demand rises above current production. The U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 407 - Recent Developments In The Hinkley Point C Saga

       I have been covering the Hinkley Point C nuclear power project in the United Kingdom in numerous posts. As I have said before, there are so many different problems with this project that it serves as a great example of why nuclear energy may not be the best choice for powering our civilization.

Nuclear Weapons 226 - Critics Say That The U.S. Should Cancel Some Nuclear Arsenal Upgrades

       The Obama administration has sent out mixed signals on the issue of nuclear weapons. When elected, Obama was very clear that he wanted to move aggressively to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in national arsenals around the world. However, he has recently asked for a thirty year one trillion dollar project to upgrade the nuclear arsenal of the United States.
