Geiger Readings for Sept 03, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 404 - British Entrepreneur Says His Molten Salt Reactor Design Will Produce Cheap Nuclear Power
I write a lot about the Hinkley Point C project in Britain because it is the biggest and most complex planned nuclear project in the world today. It has economic, social, security, political, diplomatic and technical complications and involves three nations including one which just left the European Union.
Geiger Readings for Sept 02, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 403 - Dominion Generation Taken To Court Over Project To Construct A Reactor
Dominion Generation operates the North Anna Generation Station (NAGS) which is located in Louisa County in eastern Virginia. NAGS is majority owned by Dominion Virginia Power Corporation and by the Old Dominion Electric Cooperative with a much smaller share. There are two Westinghouse pressurized water reactors at the station which together produce almost two gigawatts of power.
Geiger Readings for Sept 01, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 402 - United Kingdom Approach To New Nuclear Power Costly And Inefficient
In 2008, the government of the U.K. stated that nuclear energy needed to be a part of their mix of future sources of energy. However, the government made it very clear that they would not be financing nuclear power and that any new nuclear projects would have to financed entirely by non-governmental investors.