Geiger Readings for Aug 27, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 400 - British Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Loses Court Case of Nuclear Cleanup
As if the United Kingdom didn't have enough nuclear woes with the reconsideration of the mammoth Hinkley Point C nuclear project following the Brexit vote, now a British court has handed down a ruling against the British Nuclear Decommissioning Authority that could result in multi-million dollar lawsuits with respect to the decommissioning of old UK reactors.
Geiger Readings for Aug 26, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 399 - Ex EPA Administrator Suggests That Southern Company Buy Cancelled Bellefonte Nuclear Plant in Alabama
The Bellefonte Nuclear Generation Station is located in Hollywood, Alabama and is owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Originally, four reactors were planned. Unit One had reached eighty eight percent completion and Unit Two had reached fifty eight percent completion by 1988 when the TVA board suspended the project. The TVA spent over six billion dollars before work was stopped.
Geiger Readings for Aug 25, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 398 - Problems for Chinese Nuclear Ambitions
I have blogged about China's ambitions to be a major exporter of nuclear reactors. They have an ambitious construction program for domestic nuclear reactors with twenty two currently under construction and they hope to sell their reactors to other countries.