Nuclear Weapons 214 - World War III May Begin In The Baltic States

      Yesterday, I spoke about the terrible danger of global nuclear war and new technology for identifying nuclear warheads in the reduction of nuclear arsenals. I mentioned the rising tensions between the U.S. and Russia. Following the coup and government change in Ukraine in 2014, the Russians annexed the Crimea and supported rebellion in eastern Ukraine.

Nulcear Weapons 213 - MIT Announced New System For Identifying Nuclear Warheads

          The single biggest and most imminent threat to the continued existence of human civilization is the possibility of all out nuclear war between the United States and Russia. For awhile after the Soviet Union fell twenty five years ago, it was believed that the threat of global nuclear war could be removed.

Nuclear Weapons 212 - Coup Attempt In Turkey Raises Concerns About U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stored At Turkish Air Base.

      The attempted coup in Turkey has been in the headlines recently. The U.S. shares an airbase with Turkey at Incirlik that has been important in the fight against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Although the U.S. government has not confirmed it, the consensus of experts is that the U.S. stores fifty nuclear weapons at Incirlik.

Radioactive Waste 184 - Fukushima Decommissioning Agency Considering Entombing Site In Sarcophagus

      When there is a major accident at a nuclear power plant and decommissioning of the site is difficult or impossible, one of the options is to build a huge shell of concrete and steel called a sarcophagus to serve as a tomb for the damaged reactor or reactors. The function of the sarcophagus is to entomb the reactor site to seal in dangerous radioactive materials for as long as possible.
