Nuclear Reactors 372 - The Seattle City Council Votes To Withdraw Support For The Columbia Generating Station

        The Columbia Generation Station (CGS) is a nuclear power reactor near Richland, Washington. The CGS was built by the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) which was renamed Energy Northwest in 2000. Construction began in 1975. Because of cost overrun and construction delays, it did not begin producing power for Washington until late 1984. It is licensed to operate until 2043.

Nuclear Controversy Over Apple's Site Selection Criterion For New Billion Dollar Irish Data Center

         Apple has been working on setting up a new billion dollar data center at Derrydonnell, Ireland to serve northwestern Europe. Now there is a controversy over the proximity of the proposed data center to nuclear power reactors. Apple documents state that Apple wanted any Irish data center to be at least two hundred miles away from any nuclear facility.
