Geiger Readings for May 12, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 66 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 56 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactors 363 - The Difficulties of Financing Nuclear Power Projects
The Nuclear Energy Agency is an intergovernmental agency that was created in 1958 as part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Thirty one countries participate in the NEA. They represent about eight five percent of the installed nuclear power generating capacity of the world.
Geiger Readings for May 11, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 81 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 168 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 176 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactrors 362 - U.S. Congress Interested In Stimulating New Nuclear Reactor Development
The U.S. market for nuclear power has been soft for the past few years especially since the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Geiger Readings for May 10, 2016
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 74 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 128 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 127 nanosieverts per hour
Radioactive Waste 175 - South Australia Seeks Public Input For Project To Create A Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository
The South Australia Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle was formed in 2015 to consider four areas of possible participation for the Australian state in the nuclear fuel cycle.