Nuclear Weapons 186 - Calls For South Korea To Develop Nuclear Arsenal

        The recent North Korean nuclear test got a lot of international press coverage. Regardless of whether or not it was actually a successful test of a hydrogen bomb, it aggravated concerns among the neighbors of N.K. over nuclear weapons in and around the Korean Peninsula. There are calls South Korea to start producing nuclear warheads to deter N.K. aggression.

Nuclear Reactors 332 - India Formally Ratifies the IEAE Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage

        One of the major concerns about nuclear power is who pays for accidents. Each country that uses nuclear power has its own laws about exactly who will pick up the cost of damage and recovery from a major nuclear accident. The U.S.

Radioactive Waste 163 - The Cities Of Carlsbad and Hobbs in New Mexico Are Working On A New Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility

        The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant is located near Carlsbad, New Mexico. There was a serious accident there in February of 2014 during which a drum of nuclear waste from the U.S. nuclear weapons program burst and particles of plutonium and americium escaped through the waste facility's ventilation system and were detect twenty miles away in Carlsbad.
