Geiger Readings for Sep 12, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 158 - Do Intelligent Technological Species Destroy Themselves With Nuclear Weapons
In the summer of 1950 President Truman had committed the U.S. to the development of a thermonuclear weapon because the Soviet Union had exploded their first nuclear device the previous summer. Truman wanted a more powerful bomb based on hydrogen fusion. A group of physicists, many of whom had worked on the Manhattan Project, were assembled at Los Alamos National Laboratory. A group of these physicists often met at the Fuller Lodge for lunch.
Geiger Readings for Sep 11, 2015
Radioactive Waste 145 - Explosions At Port of Tianjin In China Are A Warning of Dangers of Corruption
Tianjin is the largest coastal city on the northern coast of China. It is the fourth largest city in China and is listed as one of the five national city centers of the People's Republic of China. Tianjin has been a major seaport since the mid-19 century.
Geiger Readings for Sep 10, 2015
Nuclear Weapons 157 - U.S. Developing B61-12 Tactical Nuclear Bomb
I have been blogging a lot recently about nuclear weapons and nuclear war. After the end of the Cold War in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was hoped that nuclear disarmament would proceed and humanity could remove the dark cloud of nuclear war for its future. Unfortunately, although nuclear weapons have been reduced by about eighty percent in the U.S.