Nuclear Weapons 137 - Was Mars Devastated By A Huge Nuclear Explosion In The Distant Past

              And now for something completely different as the Monty Python crew liked to say. I usually try to be as accurate as I can in these posts. I welcome any feedback that will help me correct mistakes. There has been a massive die-off of sea life on the West Coast of the United States that some have attributed to radiation released from Fukushima.

Nuclear Weapons 136 - Differening Perceptions of Iranian Nuclear Framework Between Iran and the U.S

              I have been blogging lately about the "framework" negotiated between the U.N. Security Council members (U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China) and Iran with respect to the Iranian nuclear program. The framework will be the basis of a final agreement to be drafted by June. Unfortunately, there are already contentious issues being raised by Iran over a U.S.

Nuclear Weapons 135 - U.S. Congressional Opposition to The Negotiated Framework on the Iranian Nuclear Program

              I have been blogging lately about the "framework" negotiated between the U.N. Security Council members (U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China) and Iran with respect to the Iranian nuclear program. The framework will be the basis of a final agreement to be drafted by June.

Nuclear Weapons 134 - Israeli Legislator Releases List of Ten Questions About the Negotiated Framework with Iran

              I have been blogging lately about the "framework" negotiated between the U.N. Security Council members (U.S., Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China) and Iran with respect to the Iranian nuclear program. The framework will be the basis of a final agreement to be drafted by June.
