The New York Times Has Been Promoting Nuclear Power for the U.S. Government Since the 1940s
Since the dawn of the nuclear age in the 1940s, the U.S. public has been subjected to a propaganda campaign to create acceptance for the U.S. nuclear program and the nuclear industry. The New York Times has been a part of this campaign since it was enlisted during the Manhattan Project to build the first U.S. nuclear bombs during World War II.
Geiger Readings for March 26, 2014
Radioactive Waste 123 - U.S. Department of Energy Launched New Initiative to Site Permanent Waste Repositories.
Disposing of nuclear waste is a huge problem for the U.S. nuclear industry. In 1982, the U.S. Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. The purpose of this act was to review possible sites and then select one site for development.
Geiger Readings for March 25, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 129 - Possible New Nuclear Arms Race in the Middle East
A great deal of world attention is focused on the negotiations between six major powers and Iran over Iran's nuclear program. Israel is known to have over a hundred nuclear warheads although they publicly deny it.