Nuclear Weapons 121 - Saudi Arabia May Obtain Nuclear Warheads From Pakistan

         After Pakistan developed its nuclear weapons, they secretly shared that knowledge with other countries. One of their chief nuclear scientists, Abdul Qadeer Khan, was implicated in this nuclear proliferations activity by the United States. In 2004, he was brought before a Pakistani tribunal to account for his activities. He was placed under house arrest but in 2009, he was freed by a judge.

Radioactive Waste 115 - A Finnish Company Is Working On A Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository for Finland

         One of the biggest problems with nuclear power is disposing of the spent nuclear fuel rods. All of the cooing pools in all the U.S. reactors are filling rapidly and many will be full in a few years. There is a movement for temporary dry cask storage onsite at the nuclear power stations but this will require a massive investment. In addition the current design of dry casks needs to be improved. The U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 211 - Senator Lamar Alexander Gives Speech In Support of Nuclear Energy at the Nuclear Energy Insititute

         The future of the nuclear industry in the United States is a topic of considerable debate. On one hand, cheap natural gas is threatening the economic viability of nuclear power. On the other hand, some supporters are hailing the construction of the first new U.S. nuclear power reactors as a sign of a "nuclear renaissance."
