Nuclear Reactors 210 - Delays and Cost Overruns Plague New Reactor Construction at Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia

         In 2006, Southern Nuclear applied for an Early Site Permit for the construction of two new power reactors at the Vogtle power plant in Georgia to join the two existing reactors. In 2008, Southern Nuclear applied for a Combined Construction and Operating License for the two new reactors. Shortly thereafter, the Georgia Power Company (GP) signed a contract with Westinghouse to build two AP1000 reactors on the Vogtle site.

Nuclear Reactors 209 - The United States Rejects New International Nuclear Safety Standards

         I have written numerous posts about nuclear safety on the blog. One point that I keep coming back to is the idea governments are failing in their duties to protect their citizens because of what is called regulatory capture. This occurs when the industry being regulated exerts political pressure to avoid being held accountable for violating regulations. But in order for this to happen, there has to be regulation in the first place.
