Nuclear Reactors 198 - France May Build More Nuclear Reactors To Replace Its Aging Fleet

         Germany is shutting down all of their nuclear reactors. Other European countries are investing heavily in alternative energy sources.         France gets about seventy five percent of its electricity from nuclear power. France's lower house of parliament has passed a law that would reduce France's dependence on nuclear power from seventy five to fifty percent.

Nuclear Reactors 197 - Japan Has A New State Secrets Law That Will Reduce Media Coverage of Fukushima Disaster

         I have posted many times about the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 and its aftermath. I also post a lot of links to articles about the consequences of the Fukushima disaster. It has impacted Japan socially, economically, politically, environmentally, and in many other ways.

Nuclear Reactors 196 - Russia Has Ambitious But Unrealistic Nuclear Reactor Export Plans

         In previous blog posts, I have often mentioned the ambition of the Russian government to be a major supplier of nuclear reactors to foreign nations. The negotiations between India and Russia for the construction of twenty one new nuclear reactors has been all over the news lately.
