Geiger Readings for November 24, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 23, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 22, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 178 - Hearts of America Northwest and Physicians for Social Responsibility Demand Shut Down of Columbia Generating Station
I have often blogged about problems with the cleanup of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south central Washington State. The Federal government spend decades developing and manufacturing nuclear weapons there but that ended about twenty five years ago. Despite decades of cleanup, the Hanford site is still one of the most radioactively contaminated places on Earth.
Geiger Readings for November 21, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 177 - U.S. Mixed Oxide Fuel Plant is Behind Schedule and Over Budget
As part of nuclear disarmament, Russia and the U.S. agreed to convert the plutonium in many of their nuclear warheads into fuel for nuclear reactors. The plutonium is mixed with uranium to dilute it producing what is called Mixed Oxide fuel (MOX). For fifteen years, plutonium warheads from Russia were converted to nuclear fuel to burn in U.S. nuclear power reactors.