The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has outlined corrective actions to be completed before Westinghouse's nuclear fuel fabrication facility in Columbia, South Carolina can resume some of its uranium processing operations following the discovery of a build-up of uranium in a plant component. The US produced more uranium in the second quarter of 2016 than in the first quarter, according to the latest update from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Production for the first half of 2016 remained lower than the same period in 2015. Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Company announced its joint filing of the proposal designed to transition California to a post-Fukushima energy future by closing the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant, but a group of climate experts, earth scientists and prominent academics have written to Gov. Edmund Brown urging him to put a stop to the proposal that would, they say, derail the state's carbon-emissions goals. Scientists from the Culham Science Centre in the UK are concerned dust from a quarry planned by Hills Quarry Products could affect their nuclear fusion experiments.