Wind and solar power are transforming the electricity industry, but not fast enough to put the world on track for the UNFCCC's Paris Agreement target to hold the global temperature increase well below 2°C, according to László Varró, chief economist of the International Energy Agency (IEA). This "climate stabilization" target needs nuclear power to play a significant role in the low-carbon power mix, Varró told delegates at the Budapest Energy Summit yesterday. The French nuclear safety authority has accepted analyses submitted by EDF on the serviceability of ten of its 900 MWe reactors in which some steam generator parts were found to contain high concentrations of carbon. The utility will soon submit analyses for two 1450 MWe units. Germany's highest court, the Federal Constitutional Court, ruled Tuesday that utilities that were ordered to close their nuclear power plants in a political reaction to the Fukushima Daiichi power plant disaster in Japan were entitled to some compensation for the premature closures. Construction has been completed for a 5 MW research reactor in Jordan, the government said Wednesday. It is the first reactor in the country that also has ambitions to build a commercial power reactor for domestic electricity supply.