With an extension granted to the Fermi 2 Nuclear Plant in Michigan, the number of U.S. nuclear power plants with 20-year extensions on their operating licenses has now reached 87, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced. nuclearstreet.com Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom has signed a memorandum of cooperation in peaceful uses of atomic energy with two Japanese ministries. One key area of cooperation under the agreement will be post-accident recovery at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi plant. world-nuclear-news.org The governor of Fukui prefecture has called the Japanese government's proposal to decommission the Monju prototype fast breeder reactor (FBR) as "totally unacceptable". A formal decision from the government is expected to be delayed due to opposition from local residents to scrapping the reactor. world-nuclear-news.org Two Duke Energy insiders said they're risking their jobs to speak out about a proposal aimed at taking handguns away from nuclear security officers. wsoctv.com