The US Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) has identified nearly $650 million of potential savings through its initiative to ensure nuclear energy's long-term viability through improved efficiency. At the institute's annual briefing to Wall Street analysts on 9 February, its CEO Maria Korsnick highlighted the Delivering the Nuclear Promise program's achievements since its launch about a year ago. A plan to offer a $7.6 billion subsidy to the company controlling most of New York's nuclear power plants will cost the City of Buffalo about $3.35 million in added utility costs, according to a new analysis by the Alliance for a Green Economy. The Montgomery County Health Department is urging people who live, work or attend school near the Limerick Generating Station to pick up an up-to-date dosage of anti-radiation pills in case of a nuclear disaster. The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan yesterday said it hopes to finalize its decision on a site to build centralized low-level nuclear waste storage this year.