A ceremony was held on 4 October in Pevek, Russia, to mark the start of construction of the coastal infrastructure for the first-of-a-kind floating nuclear power plant. The floating power and heat plant is set to be commissioned there in 2019. world-nuclear-news.org AREVA NP said Thursday that it had recently completed the nuclear industry’s first non-destructive examination (NDE) of reactor vessel nozzles using a new phased array ultrasonic (UT) technique with 3-D modeling capabilities at Unit 3 of Dominion’s Millstone Power Station in Waterford, Conn. nuclearstreet.com Hurricane Matthew is about to slam into an area of the East Coast with 11 nuclear reactors, but industry experts say it is ready for the Category 4 storm. googleleads.g.doubleclick.net Australia should revisit the possibility of more nuclear power after South Australia's blackout, senior Liberal Eric Abetz says. abc.net.au