The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (Enec) and the Korea Electric Power Corporation (Kepco) have today signed a joint venture agreement for "long-term partnership and cooperation in the UAE's peaceful nuclear energy program". The two companies also announced establishment of Barakah One PJSC, an independent subsidiary they jointly own, which will "represent the commercial and financial interests" of the Barakah project. Russia's violation of a key nuclear arms control treaty has become more egregious, two top Republican congressmen said in a letter released Wednesday that urged the Obama administration to confront and impose penalties against Moscow. Saudi Arabia will soon choose a site for its first nuclear power plant as the world’s biggest crude exporter seeks to diversify its sources of energy. Even as China has indicated its unwillingness to support India's attempt to enter the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), the country will still go ahead with its plans to have 63,000 MW of nuclear capacity by 2032.