Nuclear Reactors 1333 - EDF Suggests The Creation Of A Salt Marsh To Protect Fish At Hinkley C

Nuclear Reactors 1333 - EDF Suggests The Creation Of A Salt Marsh To Protect Fish At Hinkley C

EDF Energy has proposed the creation of more than 800 acres of saltmarsh on the River Parrett in Somerset UK. This would serve as an alternative to the proposal for 280 underwater speakers to produce an acoustic fish deterrent at the Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant.
     Plans for the saltmarsh are being developed with Natural England, Natural Resources Wales and the Environment Agency. They proposed to keep some fish species away from the power station's cooling water system.
     EDF Energy claimed that the proposed saltmarsh would create a new habitat for fish and animals, improve local water quality and help prevent flooding.
     It said creating saltmarsh is a proven way to improve protect biodiversity. It will aid fish by providing breeding grounds and also food and shelter for birds and animals. Tidal marsh filters and cleans water, prevents floods and locks away carbon "in one of our most effective weapons in the fight against climate change".
     EDF Energy noted that Steart Marshes, opposite the proposed new wetland, was created nine years ago and is now teeming with birds, fish and wildlife. It is also a popular place for recreation,
     The creation of the new habitat to help protect fish populations replaces the original proposal to install an acoustic fish deterrent system. This system would have used 280 speakers to continuously make loud noises during the plant's planned 60-year operation. However, the impact of such systems on porpoises, seals, whales and other species is unknown, the company said. It added that independent studies showed it would offer a very small potential benefit to protected fish species. It could also risk the safety of divers in the fast-flowing tides of the Bristol Channel.

     The new saltmarsh is one of several proposed measures to help wildlife and the environment around the Severn estuary. These measures include the planting of seagrass and kelp, developing native oyster beds and removing weirs on three rivers to help migrating fish to reach their breeding grounds.
     The proposals for habitat creation and other changes to Hinkley Point C's design will be included in a public consultation launching on 9 January. Other measures include alterations to the way the plant will store used nuclear fuel.
     Chris Fayers is the head of environment at Hinkley Point C. He said, “The new wetland would be a fantastic place for wildlife and a beautiful place to visit. Using natural and proven ways to improve the environment is better than creating 60 years of noise pollution with a system that is untested far offshore in the fast-flowing waters of the Severn. "Hinkley Point C is one of Britain's biggest acts in the fight against climate change and its operation will provide significant benefits for the environment."
     Hinkley Point C will be the first new nuclear power station to be constructed in the UK in more than 20 years and will provide about 7% of the country's electricity. Plant construction began in December 2018. The first of its two one thousand six hundred thirty megawatt EPR reactors is scheduled to be connected to the grid in 2027 and the second in 2028.