Nuclear Weapons 730 - Fire At Iranian Natanz Nuclear Facility May Have Been Sabotage - Part 2 of 2 Parts

Nuclear Weapons 730 - Fire At Iranian Natanz Nuclear Facility May Have Been Sabotage - Part 2 of 2 Parts

Part 2 of 2 Parts (Please read Part 1 first)
    In recent months there have been dozens of incidents including fires at industrial complexes in Iran and Israel is being blamed for those too.
     Since Thursday, there have been explosions at two power plants in Iran. There was a chlorine gas leak at a chemical plant. These three incidents were called accidents by the Iran government. During the previous week, there was an explosion at a missile production facility at the Khojir military complex in eastern Tehran. Iranian officials said that it was caused by the detonation of a gas tank. The M.E. intelligence official who claimed that Israel was responsible for the explosion and fire on Thursday said that Israel was not responsible for the other incidents.
    Iranian officials have said that they know the cause of the fire and damage at Natanz but they are withholding that information.  Behrouz Kamalvandi is a spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. He said on Sunday that the damage at Natanz would slow work on advanced centrifuges. He also said that “The damaged warehouse was designed for the final stages of advanced centrifuges and assembly of these machineries.”
     Investigators have considered the possibility that Natanz was hit by a cruise missile of drone, but they say that it is more likely that someone carried a bomb into the building. If this was the case, they don’t yet know who did it or how it was done. They did say that if a bomb was smuggled in, it does indicate that there are holes in the building’s security.
     Under the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal with the U.S., China, Russia and the European powers, Iran agreed to surrender much of its enriched uranium and to limit the future level of enrichment as well as the number of centrifuges that it operates. However, since President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the deal with Iran, it has increased the enrichment of uranium far beyond the limits set by the deal.
     The Mossad claims that it has recently prevented a series of planned Iranian attacks on Israeli embassies around the world. The intelligence agency has stopped “terrorist” plans in Europe and elsewhere. This was reported by Israel’s Channel 12 which said that Iran was behind the planned attacks. The Iranians are becoming increasingly frustrated by what they consider to be the Israeli covert operations against them both inside and outside Iran.
     The M.E. has been on the brink of a major war for years and it would take much to push it over the edge. If the Iranians do not stop working on acquiring nuclear weapons, the Israelis are going to continue to attack their nuclear facilities. This will most likely lead to war.
      Israel says that it intends to annex portions of Palestinian territories where Israelis have been settling. If they proceed with this intention, then Arab groups are planning on starting a new intifada which could expand to the whole region and plunge it into an open war.
     And, finally, if Iran does succeed in manufacturing their own nuclear weapons, then Israel will consider using their nuclear arsenal to attack Iran. If there is a wide conventional war against Israel and Israel is afraid that it is losing, it may consider using nuclear weapons against other Arab nations which could result in a general collapse of human civilization as the devasting effects of damage to the climate starve billions of people.