US Secretary of State John Kerry has described yesterday's shipment of more than 8.5 tons (25,000 pounds) of low-enriched uranium materials from Iran to Russia as "one of the most significant steps" the Middle Eastern country has taken toward fulfilling its commitments under the nuclear accord it signed with world powers earlier this year. Canada's nuclear power regulator said that it has granted Ontario Power Generation Inc. (OPG) a renewed operating license for the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington, Ontario, which is responsible for 20 percent of Ontario's electricity needs. The Catholic Church in South Africa urged the government Tuesday to suspend its nuclear power procurement plans until a referendum on the issue is held. Ukraine plans in 2016 to sign an agreement with Australia on cooperation in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, Director of the Department of Strategic Planning and European Integration at the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry of Ukraine Mykhailo Bno-Airiian has said.