The Romanian government has written to China General Nuclear Power (CGN) expressing its support for the Cernavoda nuclear power plant project. CGN announced its receipt of the letter - which was presented by energy minister Victor Vlad Grigorescu and signed by prime minister Dacian Julien Cioloș - on its website last week. A deal between France and India for the construction of six EPR nuclear power reactors at Jaitapur in India's Maharashtra state is now set to be finalized by the end of this year, the countries' leaders have said. Operators were forced to shut down FitzPatrick nuclear plant Saturday night because of a drop in cooling water levels. The plant remains offline pending some maintenance work and an inspection, said Tammy Holden, speaking for plant owner Entergy Corp. A Bridgeport company has been fined $3,500 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for violating requirements involving the security of portable nuclear gauges.