South African utility Eskom has submitted site applications for nuclear installations at Thyspunt in the Eastern Cape and Duynefontein in the Western Cape to the country's National Nuclear Regulator (NNR). Spanish firm Escuadrone has developed what it claims is the world's first drone equipped with a system for detecting radioactivity. The drone can be used in the management of nuclear-related emergencies, it says. A coolant channel assembly has been identified as the source of a leak of heavy water coolant at Kakrapar unit 1, India's Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has confirmed. The unit remains in a cold shutdown state following the 11 March incident. Germany's highest court will hear two days of testimony this week on whether or not the government owes three utility giants, Vattenfall, EOn and RWE, compensation for the 2011 decision to phase out the country's nuclear power plants.