U.S. Senate Considering A Resolution That If Russia Or A Proxy Causes A Release of Radioactive Materials In A NATO Country It Will Be Considered An Attack On NATO

U.S. Senate Considering A Resolution That If Russia Or A Proxy Causes A Release of Radioactive Materials In A NATO Country It Will Be Considered An Attack On NATO

     The U.S. Senate has introduced a resolution which proposes that the actions of Russia, Belarus “or a proxy of Russia” be considered as an attack on NATO if such actions result in radioactive contamination of the allies’ territory. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal announced the resolution at a press conference on June 22nd.
     The U.S. has already warned Russia of serious consequences should they make use of tactical nuclear weapons. However, this the first time that U.S. officials say that this also applies if Russia engineers a nuclear accident at a civilian nuclear facility.
     Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the President of Ukraine. He has said that, according to intelligence information, Russia may be preparing to commit a terrorist attack at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. The fear is that such an attack could lead to a serious leak of radioactive materials and unleash a cloud which could reach the territory of NATO members. At this time, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is under the control of the Russian occupying forces.
     The senators noted that Russia had moved tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus. This the first time since the collapse of the USSR that Russia has moved its nuclear weapons beyond its own borders. It is a serious threat to global security. By deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, Russia is increasing the possibility of global nuclear war. Unfortunately, the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons has so far been met by the Western nations with serious indifference. The deploying of Russian nuclear weapons is a very dangerous move by Putin that could have major global consequences.
     Graham and Blumenthal proposed that any use of tactical nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation, Belarus or a proxy of Russia or the destruction of nuclear facilities which release radioactive elements into the territory of NATO member countries and cause serious damage should be considered an attack on the alliance and justification for the use of Article 5.
     Senator Graham said, “The threat of a use of a nuclear device by Russia is real. And the best way to deter it is to give them clarity, the Russians, as to what happens if they do that. And our message is to those around Putin. That if you do this, if you follow his orders – if he ever gives this, you can expect a massive response from NATO. And you will be at war with NATO.”
     Senator Blumenthal said, “This resolution […] is meant to send a message to Vladimir Putin and even more directly to his military, they will be destroyed, they will be eviscerated if they use tactical nuclear weapons, or if they destroy a nuclear plant in a way that threatens surrounding NATO nations. […] His (Putin’s) military risks total obliteration by NATO forces, if they are so reckless and irrational as to resort to tactical nuclear weapons,”
     The senators suggested that the Biden administration conduct appropriate consultations with the leaders of other allied countries and European partners. Actions should be considered that minimize the threat to the civilian population and prepare a diplomatic and military response that is appropriate to the situation.