Radiation News Roundup January 11, 2014 It is still possible to reach a nuclear deal with Iran, but new U.S. congressional sanctions could seriously undermine prospects for an agreement and end up isolating Washington instead of Tehran, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations said on Monday. news.yahoo.com A leak of radioactive water from a tank at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant released tritium into the environment this week, but a TVA spokesman said Saturday the leak was quickly contained and presented no public risk. timesfreepress.com US and UK Leaders to Meet Over Russia's Role in Ukraine Conflict; Gorbachev Fears 'Nuclear Catastrophe.' au.ibitmes.com While Indonesia’s first nuclear power plant, a prototype reactor, is under construction near Jakarta, the country's Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Muhammad Nasir said that nuclear power represented clean energy at a cost more affordable than coal. nuclearstreet.com